
Beatrice Mutuku


Dive into a world of fancy endeavor with my standout projects

weather project

Weather Project

This project offers simple, easy-to-read weather information for any location worldwide. You'll get accurate current conditions and five days forecasts. Whether you're a casual weather checker or a seasoned meteorology enthusiast, the project has everything you need to stay informed and prepared. Try it today and experience weather updates without the hassle.

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Todo app project

Todo App

This to-do app project will help you create a demo on how to organize and manage tasks and responsibilities. It allows you to create, edit and delete tasks. Whether for personal or professional use, this project aims to enhance productivity, streamline workflow, and ensure nothing important gets overlooked.

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This project is a mimic of, featuring video thumbnails, channel name, video statistics, timestamps, header and sidebar without interactive features like liking, commenting or subscribing.

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